The Benefits of Rose essential oil

Rose essential oil has been considered a luxury for centuries, known for its healing essence and powerful blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and antiseptic properties. Rose essential oil is used for a number of health-related purposes and used in natural beauty treatments for thousands of years. These beautiful flowers sourced from the Rosa damascene plant, it contains the flower’s aromatic compounds. Because these compounds are thought to possess healing properties Rose essential oil Because of this aromatherapy is a great way to incorporate this oil through scent and touch.  By focusing on scent, you can transform a stressful environment into one that allows you to meditate in peace and relaxation.

Why You Should Try Rose Aromatherapy

There are countless ways to incorporate it into your life here are a few favourites: You can use candles (which create a romantic, glowing ambience) or spray a mist if you prefer a softer influence. diffusing essential oils at home, turning your entire space into a garden oasis. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to your bath. Try a roll-on oil, which interacts directly with your skin. And last but certainly not least, using essential oils in an oil massage is sure to make for a lovely full body experience. What method speaks to you at any given moment? Each scent and method will unlock your senses in its own special way. One of our favourite types of aromatherapy invites you stop and smell the roses. Rose aromatherapy in brings a garden essence that helps cleanse the mind and heart while providing many other benefits.

Rose Essential Oil Relieves Stress, Fights Anxiety, and Relaxes Your Body and Mind:

Throughout rose aromatherapy, the essential oils transport deep into your skin and the air in your lungs, restoring skin while uplifting the mind. It gradually relaxes your muscles, alleviates spasms, and reduces inflammation. Rose essential oil has been proven to help heal wounds when used topically, but the effects it has inside your body are even more amazing. Inhaling rose essential oil helps create a protective barrier in your body, inhibiting water loss in your skin and lowering the concentration of stress hormones in your body.

It’s Good for Your Skin:

Rose essential oil has remained a popular skin care and beauty products for many years due to its power as a refreshing and regenerative tonic. However, you are only guaranteed to experience the full benefits through its purest form: an undiluted essential oil. This is most easily accessible through aromatherapy. When you are undergoing rose aromatherapy, the essential oils that get released into the air help remove toxins, both in the air and in your blood. The complex bouquet of antioxidants in rose oil helps heal and improve the quality of your skin. 

Helps Depression and Anxiety

Studies have shown that rose essential oil has definitely got mood-boosting abilities. Rose oil stimulates the release of the chemical dopamine. This chemical plays a pivotal role in helping to relieve the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Researchers suggest that aromatherapy is the most powerful way to treat this. Combine rose oil with lavender oil and diffuse it, or apply 1 to 2 drops topically to your wrists and the back of your neck.

Fights Acne

Acne is caused by excess sebum production collecting in hair follicles where bacteria infect clogged pores, resulting in an inflamed blemish. The strategy is to rebalance the skin environment to reduce sebum production and bacteria, which will minimize infection and inflammation. Researchers uncovered that that rose essential oil exhibited one of the strongest bactericidal activities compared to 10 other oils. Along with thyme, lavender and cinnamon essentials oils, rose oil was able to completely destroy Propionibacterium acnes (the bacteria responsible for acne) after only five minutes of a 0.25 percent dilution. If you suffer from acne, try dabbing one drop of pure rose essential oil on blemishes three times a day. Make sure you use a sterile cotton swab; if the antimicrobial power is too much for you, dilute it slightly with some coconut oil.

Homemade Facemask

Making a homemade facemask with rose essential oil is a great way to naturally treat acne. All you need is natural honey, rose essential oil, almond oil, and Vitamin E. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey, 5 drops of rose oil, 2 tablespoons of almond oil, and 1 drop of Vitamin E in a bowl. Lightly massage this mixture on your face after cleaning it properly and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Rinse the mask with lukewarm water and pat the face dry with a clean cloth. This would visibly treat your acne.


It’s no surprise that rose oil naturally makes the list of top anti-aging essential oils. Why can rose essential oil boost skin health and possibly slow down the aging process? There are several reasons.

Firstly, it has potent anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it contains antioxidants that fight off free radicals which encourage skin damage and skin aging. Free radicals can cause damage to skin tissue, which results in wrinkles, lines and dehydration.

Moisturising: Rose Oil has deeply nourishing properties that can help propel your skin to the picture of health. Replenishing your skin with this Essential Oil can help to leave your complexion appearing bouncier, brighter and more luminous. That’s because rose oils contain high levels of vitamin A, which increase skin-cell turnover and reduce wrinkles, and vitamin C, which helps even skin tone.  Apply it topically or add to face wash, body wash or lotion.


Boosts Libido:

Since it acts as an anti-anxiety agent, rose essential oil can greatly help males with sexual dysfunction related to performance anxiety and stress.  It may also help to balance sex hormones, which can contribute to increased sex drive. Diffuse it, or apply 2 to 3 drops topically to your neck and chest. Combine rose oil with a carrier oil like jojoba, coconut or olive for a libido-boosting therapeutic massage.

Improves Dysmenorrhea (Painful Period):

The medical definition of primary dysmenorrhea is cramping pain in the lower abdomen occurring just before or during menstruation. Researchers suggests that aromatherapy with rose essential oil, which is a nonpharmacologic treatment method, as an adjuvant to conventional treatment methods may be beneficial for pain relief in individuals with primary dysmenorrhea. PMS: Diffuse it, or apply it diluted with a carrier oil topically to your abdomen.

If you’re looking to use rose oil in homemade products, it’s helps to know that is blends well with bergamot, chamomile, clary sage, fennel, geranium, helichrysum, lavender, lemon, neroli, patchouli, sandalwood, and ylang ylang. Rose essential oil typically comes from the damask rose (Rosa damascena) plant and it takes around 10,000 rose petals to make one pound of oil, which is why it’s one of the more expensive essential oils.


  • Can you ingest rose essential oil?  – No, this oil is not recommended for internal use!
  • Never use any essential oils too close to mucus membranes like your eyes. If you have sensitive skin, always dilute rose essential oil with a carrier oil and perform a patch test before topical use.
  • Always keep essential oils out of the reach of children and pets.

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