by Wellness Expert | Nutrition, Physical Wellness
Vegetarianism – the pros and cons of becoming vegetarian ! A growing number of people are adopting a vegan or a vegetarian diet, this may be down to ethical, environmental benefits or it may be part of a broader lifestyle choice. Here are some ways in which...
by Wellness Expert | Nutrition, Physical Wellness
How many oranges should I eat to get my daily amount of vitamin C ? How many oranges do I need to eat to get my recommended daily amount of vitamin C ? … not as many as you might think ! Research indicates that oranges help support the body and protect us from...
by Wellness Expert | Nutrition, Physical Wellness
Vitamin D – in supplements and in food Why we all should consider taking vitamin D supplement The main source of vitamin D (also referred to as “calciferol”) is produced endogenously when ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight strike the skin and trigger...
by Wellness Expert | Nutrition, Physical Wellness
What are Gut Bacteria and why are they important ? Hundreds of species of bacteria exist in your gut. Some of them are friendly, although others are not. The majority of bacteria in the gut belong to one of four groups: Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes or...
by Wellness Expert | Nutrition, Physical Wellness
What Vitamins are in What Foods ? WHAT ARE VITAMINS? Vitamins are an essential micronutrient which are needed in small quantities for the proper functioning of our metabolism that we usually obtain through our diet. However, problems occure when we don’t eat a...
by Wellness Expert | Nutrition, Physical Wellness
What is 5 a Day ? The burden of diet-related ill health has been well documented over the years, and according to the BMA (2016) it contributes to more disease than physical inactivity, alcohol and smoking combined. Premature death in the United Kingdom is estimated...