Heavenly Scent

UK DELIVERY ONLY £3.95 (FREE DELIVERY when you order over £50.00)


6 Wild Rose Heart Shaped Soaps


6 Wild Rose Heart Shaped Soaps

The perfect scent to make you feel wild and relaxed 🙂
Our cute little heart-shaped soaps make a wonderful display. They are colourful and smell great – fresh and zesty
Just the right thing for B&Bs or Guest Houses or as a wedding favour. Guest Soaps weigh approx 20 grams each and measure approx 40x40mm.
Our Soaps are also SLS and Paraben free.

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Materials / Ingredients Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Aqua, Glycerin, parfum, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Chloride, Tetrasodium Glutamate Diacetate, Citric Acid, CI 18050, Linalool, *Amyl Cinnamal